5 is the magic number?
According to the Vietnamese government Yanic now officially has a younger brother to be a "role" model for! We had the "giving and receiving ceremony today. "Baby Brother" is doing great and seems to fit in just great. Very quiet and happy, especially when he has some food. He was not too fond of the ride in the van, probably not something that he does very often!
We are back at the hotel and just settling in for a bit. He has been double fisting food for the last 45 minutes in the room and shows no signs of stopping! He has a good little bump on the back of his head, most likely an infection from an ingrown hair. Thankfully the other family that is adopting with us, the father is an ER doctor. We have already put a "numbing cream" on it and we will be draining it in a short while. Nothing serious, just an infection that needs a little TLC.